Archive for July, 2023
How Video Conferencing Can Help Your Business
First of all, let’s talk about what video conferencing is. Video conferencing is an interactive real-time communication tool used by companies, educators, students, entrepreneurs and other individuals to communicate by way of high-quality audio and video computer technology all across the globe. In layman’s terms, you can sit in a room in one location and meet with someone else in another location in real time using a video monitor and a camera with speakers.
Video conferencing makes it easier to conduct business on a worldwide scale and it has many benefits, so let’s talk about them.
1. Video Conferencing Increases Productivity.
Video conferencing is a remarkable way for people to conduct business when it is used effectively. It gives people the ability to share information in an atmosphere similar to being present in a room with someone else. No longer do you have to “wait” for everyone to get together to meet and make presentations. All of that can be done with modern technology.
Not only is big business doing it but it is now a phenomenon with small businesses as well. Small business owners are now able to conduct meetings, training and all types of webinars with their partners, affiliates and clients. Small businesses can leverage the power of video conferencing to be more productive and get more done.
With video conferencing, decisions can be made faster to bring products and services to the market quicker which will enable you to stay ahead of the competition.
2. Video Conferencing Saves Money
When productivity goes up, you can bet that money will be saved when using video conferencing properly. The elimination of meetings reduces travel costs and expenditures. No longer do you have to schedule a meeting across town or the globe and be concerned with the expenses of travel.
Car, plane, hotel and meeting room costs are now a thing of the past. And because you’re not on the road as much, that time can be used to be more productive and make more money.
3. Video Conferencing Saves Time
I alluded to this point already but the wasted time or “downtime” video conferencing eliminates is very crucial. You’ve heard the expression “time is money” haven’t you? Well it’s true, the more time you waste, you more money you lose.
With video conferencing, you don’t have to spend a lot of time getting to your locations for meetings or training. You don’t have to make arrangements to travel.
Just imagine if you have a downline of people in your MLM and you want to meet with them. You can do it anytime you wish with video conferencing technology. You can send out a notification of the scheduled meeting time and the login information and just like that, you can conduct your meeting or training. You can stay in touch with your people on a more personal level and this will keep people interested in your business opportunity.
4. Video Conferencing Helps the Environment
Video Conferencing is now being hailed as “green technology”. How is that you ask? With the use of video conferencing, more and more people are not travelling as much and they aren’t leaving as many carbon footprints as they would have in the past.
When you take advantage of all the benefits of video conferencing, it can only result in one thing, INCREASED PROFITS. The bottom line is you’re in business to make money and you need every advantage you can get over your competition. You need to incorporate the latest technology to make your business more productive and video conferencing is crucial.
I use and highly recommend GVO Conference Video Conferencing Software. Taking time when choosing a provider GVO Conference Video Conference Software is my recommendation.