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    March 2025
    M T W T F S S


      Hello, my name is Paul Tuting.

      I usually sign off as PaulT which I use as my Internet Tag Name.

      I have been working on the Internet since about 2004. About that time I signed up with GVO which at that time it was called Kiosk. During this time I have come to trust in the integrity of Joel Therien and GVO and I now base all of my Internet activities with GVO.

      I have been able to develop a large number of business tools that can be of great assistance to anyone who is contemplating an Internet Business. These tools range from training and aid for beginners to full video training courses.

     With GVO and what I have been able to achieve, I am able to bring to anyone who is looking to develop or extend an Internet online business advantages that will assist them to get set up into a profitable position quickly.

      Of course, I can say all this and you might say “Who is this, I’ve not heard of him?”And you would be right to be sceptical. You might call this “Name Dropping” but I can name among my mentors; Joel Therien, Mark Joyner, Dale Calvert, Tellman Knudson, Tom ‘Big A’ Schreiter, and there are others that I just gleaned from their newsletters. You might say I’m bragging but you’d be wrong. What I am attempting to show is that if you hang around with the best some of it rubs off and you become more like them.

      Now I’m not trying to convince you that I have made it! What I am saying is if I don’t know the answer to your question I can find someone that can. At the bottom of this page are a number of links that will take you to some of the tools and aids that I have developed so you can get to know me better.

     Here is
    My Personal Facebook Page,
    My Business Facebook Page,    and
    My Business Facebook Fan Page

     From this page, you can go to many tools and programs that might help you in your business endeavours, but I make this stern warning! Only take on the minimum for your current task. This was a mistake that I had made for too long. This why I ask that you first make personal contact with me so we can plan what is the best course for you.

    This is where you can contact directly: –
    My Skype ID is live:paultuting,
    My Best Email is paul@paultuting.com, or
    My Phone: – not available,
    [so just text me and I can set up a Video Conference call at a time to suits us both]

    You may have come through an email I have sent in regards to a GVO product or campaign and that is where we should start. I will though encourage you to join my Team Mentoring program so that we all can get to know each other and share for the common good.

      The Mentoring Program is priced so everyone is able to take part but there is an offer to upgrade to a higher level with much more good things included.
    Take a look here
    Remember: My aim is not to overload you with too much. Just to let you know I do have the skills to assist you to financial freedom.

      I do look forward to having personal contact with you so we can look into exactly what your needs are and tailor a road map for you. So feel free to look around all that is here but please remember that it is not about doing a lot but doing what is needed and working smart.

     I wish you all the success that you might desire,


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